Category: Blogging

What Makes Me Happy: Sharing Sex Ed Info

What Makes Me Happy: Sharing Sex Ed Info

Long ago and far away when I actually did HNT and then WW on a regular basis AND tried hard to get nice photos, it was quite a compliment when the occasional pic would...

Irony Is….

Irony Is….

….when a site scrapes your content, and the first thing they scrape…is a post about ANOTHER site illegally scraping / copyright violation. *blinks* It was so meta, AAG and I couldn’t even comprehend it...

Banned and Blacklisted

Banned and Blacklisted

Those who follow me on Twitter (and on G+) figured out this morning that I’ve finally been banned from Google+. My profile has been removed. The other Google products that I currently use affiliated...



No words My tears won’t make any room for ’em, oh And it don’t hurt Like anything I’ve ever felt before   This is no broken heart No familiar scars This territory goes uncharted...

Ethics in Blogging

Ethics in Blogging

There are a lot of ways that bloggers can be unethical. Mind you, ethics don’t always equal human kindness/respect for others. You can be a snarky, grumpy shit-stirrer but still be ethical. You can...