Monthly Archive: July 2010

So, New York, what do you have to offer me?

So, New York, what do you have to offer me?

The time is beginning to approach once more…… The annual NYC Sex Bloggers Calendar party is happening on October 1. And despite being in the calendar, a part of me is really waffling on...

Meta Blogging

Meta Blogging

e[lust] So you know that e[lust] has a modified summer schedule, right? Well it’s time for edition #18, submissions are open till Tuesday. I also am still looking for people to volunteer to be...

Meta Blogging

Meta Blogging

e[lust] So you know that e[lust] has a modified summer schedule, right? Well it’s time for edition #18, submissions are open till Tuesday. I also am still looking for people to volunteer to be...

Do you masturbate…..a lot?

Do you masturbate…..a lot?

Hubs got this today for our kitchen, for those times when your hands are yucky with raw chicken juices or whatnot: As he was reading the brochure: The spout sensor soap pump dispenses soap...

Are vibrators dangerous?

Are vibrators dangerous?

Given that my blog address and title both contain the word “dangerous” I get hits from google searches on sexual things being dangerous (or not). Since I talk about vibrators and blow jobs a...

How quickly we forget

How quickly we forget

Very short post today, as my brain is fried and this sense of being overwhelmed just won’t quit. I’ve been reading a lot of things lately in the sex bloggosphere that make me shake...

How quickly we forget

How quickly we forget

Very short post today, as my brain is fried and this sense of being overwhelmed just won’t quit. I’ve been reading a lot of things lately in the sex bloggosphere that make me shake...

Contest Winners Announced!

Contest Winners Announced!

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway, but mostly a big huge thank you to those who donated the prizes! I had 443 contest entries overall. Very shortly after this post goes live, I...