
I’m a blogger, a reviewer and an advice-giver. I’m also a shopper and buyer, and I know what the next generation of sex toy buyers are looking for on a site. I’ve done some website designing and have run my personal blog and a few other sites since 2008. I’ve worked behind the scenes for a sex toy retail site and have done copy writing. In addition to being a sex toy reviewer, I’ve been a part of numerous affiliate programs and know what other bloggers like myself are looking for in partners. I’ve written a number of articles of sex toy material safety and best practice usage. I’ve run my own social media profiles which are more personal than business, and ran a Facebook and Twitter campaign for a company circa 2009 that didn’t make it in the dot-com world after all. 

Today’s sex toy shoppers range from those who know exactly what they want but not how to find it, to those who haven’t a clue what they want. To be a successful seller you need to appeal to both groups and those in between. I can help guide your site, and your stock, to be more successful. I can let you in on the mind of the reviewer blogger to know best how to approach them to gain site traffic.

I tend to prefer discussing consulting issues over email, or even live chat if we both are free at the same time. Why not a phone conversation? Bluntly put, I have a hearing problem and phones, landline or cell, are the worst for me in terms of understanding what the other person is saying. Skype and other video chats are often worse. After we have our initial discussion about what you need I spend at least an hour, usually two, researching the answers to all of the areas you have expressed a need in and areas that I think need attention after thoroughly browsing your site. Once I’ve viewed your site and have received your talking points I can begin my work. I’ll lay out all of my information in an easy-to-read PDF which I’ll email over to you and we can talk out everything and you can get the clarification you need, and we can bounce thoughts and plans back and forth. Usually, small consulting jobs run at least 4 hours which includes everything from my research to the session. If after our session more questions and different directions are raised, my time is available. If you would like to work with me, I send out a contract and ask for 2 hours of my time paid upfront which indicates your acceptance of my terms and the contract. 2 hours is also my minimum.  Payment terms can be discussed but will be due no later than net 15. Contact me for my current rate!

My primary objective is to help create a more sex-positive culture, and a safer sex toy user in all of your shoppers. I’m aware that many people who run sex toy retail stores online are not sex educators but business people. I try to balance the “making money” aspect with “public health and safety” with “pleasure for everyone”. I can provide insight on your site layout, and critique your store’s stock list as well as make suggestions for brands/items to carry.  I will push for transparency on your site and education to your customers, and I can also provide this education in the form of articles if you wish.

I have been asked if I do consulting for bloggers. I do, but I don’t charge for it. I’ve spent a lot of time putting together posts in the Sex Blogger Education category and of course I started the Sex Blogger Co-op1 in order for us all to help each other out. If you have specific questions for me, want me to look over your site layout, whatever…just ask. Worst that can happen is it takes me a day or two to get back to you.

  1. Not currently running in its original format, but it exists on Facebook ↩