Monthly Archive: December 2012

Manners, Community and Blogging

Manners, Community and Blogging

Today, something quite unusual happened. I received a friend request on Facebook ~which was preceded by an introduction message~. I imagine some of you are cocking your head like “what’s that?”, right? I have...

Curtain Call

Curtain Call

After 3 years, I’ve decided to hang up my hat on e[lust]. Oddly enough, it’s an idea I kicked around once or twice last year as well but I came to the decision in...

The Carrot is Not a Dildo!

The Carrot is Not a Dildo!

As I trawl through my Tumblr dashboard, I tend to see a lot of cases of ignorance-via-innocence and household objects being repurposed as dildos. Today the object to catch my eye and trigger this...