All of my contest luck was saved for right now

Since I’ve started blogging, I’ve entered numerous little contests and giveaways. Never won. I even attended 2 NYSexBloggerCalendar parties, purchased yards of raffle tickets, and never won. In fact, I think I’ve entered 4 different contests/raffles just trying to win an Njoy Eleven. A few weeks back I entered to win the Njoy Eleven and a kinky giftpack from Kink Academy.



Best. Tweet. Evar.:

I sat there gobsmacked for a few seconds making sure I read it right and then I proceeded to go batshit crazy.

(if you’re wondering what I meant about the “crazy lady in black face” bit, I’d put on a facial mask not too long before this, it’s goopy glossy tar-black, lol)

A very big huge thank you to Kink Academy for having the contest, and to the wonderful people at Njoy for donating an Eleven.

holyfuckinshit! It even comes with its own PURSE!!!!!!!!

9 Responses

  1. Britni TheVadgeWig says:

    So jealous.

  2. Emmy says:

    You will LOVE it! (at least I love mine, so I assume others will too!)
    Very happy for you!

  3. Congrats! That’s completely. Frickin. AWESOME. Enjoy it, and tell us how awesome it is when you get it! ;)

  4. FD says:

    Lady that’s so damn fabulous! Congratulations and have fun! ;-)

  5. SB says:

    It’s a delicious metal beast. :3

  6. Audriana says:

    That is so awesome! I am way envious, but thrilled for you. Congrats Lilly!!!

  7. Kayla says:

    That’s so awesome. Congrats!! (I’m jealous too. :) )

  8. hubman says:

    I imagine that Tess and/or Diva already told you, but it was really fun being there when they announced who won and the reaction in the room. Even better was when Diva read your reply to the tweet announcing you as the winner, it was priceless and so exactly what I expected from you!

  9. nitebyrd says:
