Monthly Archive: October 2013

I’m a Superhero, Apparently?

I’m a Superhero, Apparently?

Even if I had been around enough the latter half of this year to know that this list was being curated, I still wouldn’t have “participated” in asking people to nominate me. I don’t...

Heeldo Review

Heeldo Review

I’ve seen the Heeldo bopping around the industry for a few years, and was always curious. I finally got a chance to review one to see if it would work out like I thought...

Dear Lelo: I Quit

Dear Lelo: I Quit

There is always a proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back; This straw is named Ida. However, the ludicrous bullshit that stems from Lelo continues, and worsens, through the years. Every year I make...

Lelo Gigi 2

Lelo Gigi 2

The Lelo Gigi has been around for a long while now, since something like 2004 or 5.  But while a bunch of newer Lelo vibrators were getting their makeovers, the originals were left alone,...

Sex Toys and Body Size

Sex Toys and Body Size

As a “plus sized”/fat lady, I have some unique needs when it comes to sex toys that my thinner peers don’t experience.  Often times I think that some of these issues/unique needs are very...